About us

Beausoleil First Nation Public Library/Lorna Sandy Resource Centre is located on the beautiful island called Chimnissing home to the residents of Beausoleil First Nation.

Vision Statement

The Beausoleil First Nation Public Library/Lorna Sandy Resource Centre is an essential beacon in our community that welcomes and nurtures the pursuit of;

  1. Personal widom
  2. Individual Enrichment through leisure pursuits
  3. Life-long learning

The Beausoleil First Nation Public Library/Lorna Sandy Resource Centre is located at

150 Mkade Kegwin Miikan

Christian Island, ON L9M 0A9

Phone number is 705-247-2255

Kathleen Peters is the Librarian/CEO of the Library also known as Miss Kathy


Presently the hours our 9-4 Monday to Friday.

Due to the Covid Restrictions the Library is not open at this time.

If you need anything please call or email Miss Kathy